Get Thorough, Environmentally Friendly Air Cooler Cleaning — Without Any Effluent.

There’s no need to stop production with our in-house, dry process to restore your air-cooled heat exchangers and condensers to full power.

  • Refineries and Petrochemical plants
  • Oil and gas facilities
  • Power plants
  • And more industries

Discover the Safer, More Efficient Cleaning Solution.



Where It Works

We can use the Decamex process on any kind of air cooler with up to 12 tube rows:

  • Forced
  • Induced
  • A frame

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LNG Plant Enhances Fin Fan Cleaning with Decamex®.

In summer 2023, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in the Gulf Coast faced a critical challenge: cleaning 820 fin fans for the first time after five years of operation without using or producing any effluent (water or foam). Recognizing the importance of maintaining efficiency, preventing equipment damage and ensuring safety, the customer started a rigorous selection process of a reliable solution provider. CTP Environment was the one chosen for the job.


How It Works

Our experts stand on the underneath existing platform to apply a dry, thin powder to your equipment in our proven, efficient process. We use low-pressure, compressed air – no water! Afterwards, each tube (up to 12) is thoroughly clean, not just the first few tubes in each row.


No effluent

  • No need for scaffolding or confined space entry
  • No need to protect the motor and other critical parts from water or foam

Faster and more efficient

  • No production loss
  • No need for crane or scaffolding setup
  • No need for cleanup time

Safe for people and the planet

  • Use of biodegradable products
  • No generation of effluent
  • No water consumption

No equipment degradation

  • No need for motor protection because our solution is safe for metal
  • No corrosion, stress cracking corrosion or abrasion

Better air efficiency and proven ROI

  • Decamex delivers a significant increase in air efficiency when compared with the with traditional fin fan cleaning methods.
  • The result is rapid ROI.

The trusted choice

Hundreds of industrial operators around the world choose Decamex over conventional cleaning solutions.

Compare Types of Cleaning Methods

See the results of extensive equipment testing.

Safety and envirent

  • Scaffold needed

  • High water consumption

  • Risk of damaging engine (motor protection needed)

  • Workers can damage the fin fan

  • Non-biodegradable chemicals

  • Scaffold needed

  • High water consumption

  • Risk of damaging engine (motor protection needed)

  • Workers can damage the fin fan

  • High pressure and workers may damage the fins

  • Crane and scaffold needed

  • Workers can damage fin fan

  • Direct access to the deposit required (difficult with fin fans)

  • No scaffolding (saving time and money)

  • No entry into the plenum

  • No issue with water/foam

  • Compatible with metals

  • No damage to fin fan

  • Environmentally friendly

Time fan is offline to cleanone bundle
2 hours minimum
2 hours minimum
Longer than Decamex30 minutes maximum
Cleaning effectiveness

  • Slight improvement in cooling

  • No penetration of the tube bundles

Good cleaning of first rows but no penetration through the tube bundles

  • Cleaning limited to the first rows

  • More efficient on a hard scale (not for air coolers)

  • Cleaning of the entire surface of each tube

  • Good efficiency on all types of deposits

35% clean50% clean50% clean100% clean

Get a Demo

Try our service without obligation for one day and see the Decamex.


Innovative & Sustainable Solutions

45 Countries
Worldwide Operations
60 Years
Of Service
1500 SOWs
Completed Per Year